Store Building & Vacant Tract, Stinking Creek - Online Only



Store Building & Vacant Tract

1555 Stinking Creek Rd., LaFollette, TN 37766

Begins to End Tues., July 26 @ 6 PM

**Inspection anytime during normal store hours**

This property will be auctioned in two tracts as follows:

TRACT 1 is a 1551 sq. ft. store building with approx. ¾ acre of land. The building has CH&A, drive through window, metal roof, and 1 ½ baths. It is outfitted and running as a small C-Store, currently with beer sales, and will be sold with all remaining inventory and most equipment. (NOTE: Large storage bldg.., T.V., deep freezers DO NOT remain). There is plenty of gravel parking, and an additional electric hook-up exists for an RV. The tract goes to Stinking Creek in the rear and there is a small road to nice picnic/wading area at the creek.

2022 Property Taxes: $240     Tax Map: 034                    Parcel: 070.00

Warranty Deed Book: 534      Page: 114

TRACT 2 is a vacant 1.79 acre tract identified as 1546 Stinking Creek Rd. This property had an old homesite, and currently is one-half in level pasture. There is an existing driveway and part of a chain link fence along Stinking Creek Rd. Also, there is a small creek that runs through the property. Unrestricted, this tract is ideal for RV’s, camping, or ATV riders. Subject to a 30’ ROW from Stinking Creek Rd. to adjoining rear property. 

2022 Property Taxes: $60       Tax Map: 034                     Parcel: 010.00

Warranty Deed Book: 534      Page: 114

LOCATION: Old Hwy 25W, turn on Stinking Creek Rd. and travel 2.8 miles. Store tract is on left and vacant tract is on the right.

Auctioneer: Paul Provins      TN LIC#: 4528

Ended on
1555 Stinking Creek Rd, LaFollette, TN. (Store Building)
Lot 1: 1555 Stinking Creek Rd, LaFollette, TN. (Store Building)


Store Building 

1555 Stinking Creek Rd., LaFollette, TN 37766

**Inspection anytime during normal store hours**

TRACT 1 is a 1551 sq. ft. store building with approx. ¾ acre of land. The building has CH&A, drive through window, metal roof, and 1 ½ baths. It is outfitted and running as a small C-Store, currently with beer sales, and will be sold with all remaining inventory and most equipment. (NOTE: Large storage bldg.., T.V., deep freezers DO NOT remain). There is plenty of gravel parking, and an additional electric hook-up exists for an RV. The tract goes to Stinking Creek in the rear and there is a small road to nice picnic/wading area at the creek.

2022 Property Taxes: $240     Tax Map: 034                    Parcel: 070.00

Warranty Deed Book: 534      Page: 114


LOCATION: Old Hwy 25W, turn on Stinking Creek Rd. and travel 2.8 miles. Store tract is on left.

Auctioneer: Paul Provins      TN LIC#: 4528

High bidder:21 (Tennessee)
Bidding complete
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Vacant Tract, 1.79 Acres
Lot 2: Vacant Tract, 1.79 Acres

TRACT 2 is a vacant 1.79 acre tract identified as 1546 Stinking Creek Rd. This property had an old homesite, and currently is one-half in level pasture. There is an existing driveway and part of a chain link fence along Stinking Creek Rd. Also, there is a small creek that runs through the property. Unrestricted, this tract is ideal for RV’s, camping, or ATV riders. Subject to a 30’ ROW from Stinking Creek Rd. to adjoining rear property. 

2022 Property Taxes: $60       Tax Map: 034                     Parcel: 010.00

Warranty Deed Book: 534      Page: 114

LOCATION: Old Hwy 25W, turn on Stinking Creek Rd. and travel 2.8 miles. Vacant tract is on the right.

Auctioneer: Paul Provins      TN LIC#: 4528

High bidder:14 (Illinois)
Bidding complete
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