Online Only 360 Acres, adjoins Big South Fork National Recreational Area in 6 tracts
Tract 1: 16.6 Acres on Rob Watson Road which enters into the park. Lots of park frontage with this tract. Utilities are near but would need to be extended to the subject property. Tract lays nice, would make an excellent retreat. Property is 1 mile from nearest house and nearest utilities.
Please note where we say "park" that is the Big South Fork National River and Recreational Area.
Tract 2: 69.73 Acres also off Rob Watson Road and has plenty of park frontage. An easement to tract 3 has been left thru tract 2 for the purpose of utilities and a road into tract 3. Property joins the Scythe Branch. Property is 1 mile from nearest house and nearest utilities.
*Note where it says "park" that refers to the Big South Fork National River & Recreational Area.
Tract 3: 90.93 Acres which has a right of way thru tract 2, but also, an access road thru the BSFNRA. Property has some excellent views, lots of park frontage, and could be used for an excellent retreat or private get away for off the grid seekers. Joins Branch and the Cub Branch. One of the properties right of ways thru tract 2 is located 1 mile from nearest house and nearest utilities.
*Park frontage refers to Big South National River & Recreational Area.
Tract 4: 68.40 Acres with access on Elisha Boyatt Road. Very private has some nice home sites off the access road that runs all the way to the park and is used for both tracts 4 and 5. Several nice home sites, and also joins the Cub Branch.
*Please note where it says "park" that refers to the Big South Fork National River & Recreational Area.
Tract 5: 56.38 Acres with access on Elisha Boyatt Road. Very private, has some nice home sites off the access road that runs all the way to the park and is use for both tracts 4 and 5. Several nice home sites, and joins the Huling Branch.
*Please note the word "park" refers to the Big South Fork National River & Recreational Area.
Tract 6: 59.13 Acres with access on Bill Slaven Road, ample park frontage at the State Line. Several nice sites and is very private. Joins Huling Branch, which is the dividing line between Tract 5 and 6.
*Please note the word "park" refers to the Big South Fork National River and Recreational Area.